Pass the Salt, Please

Pass the Salt, Please

By Angie Bucsi

I love salt, and I am not afraid to admit it. But isn’t salt a health destroyer? Well, yes.
A few years ago while I was on a mission to lose 80 pounds, I decided to cut out table salt. I grieved for it, seriously. Food tasted bland and I craved it late at night. I was addicted, and it hurt. I stayed strong and avoided it for months. Then I discovered Sea Salt. I started using it (just a little bit) at the dinner table, and in my cooking. Life was good again. I used it very little, but it was nice to have salt in my life again.
I stopped by a friends house for some delicious soup on a cold Halloween night after trick-or-treating with my son. She had a bottle of Pink Himalayan Salt on her table. I was intrigued, and a little scared. A good salt? A salt I could eat without feeling guilty? A salt with……HEALTH BENEFITS?!?! It was too good to be true. I wouldn’t believe it, I couldn’t believe it.
Fast forward to two years later. There is a bottle on my kitchen window sill, and a bottle on my dining room table. My weight was lost and has stayed off….but my cooking is more delicious and satisfying than ever.
My beautiful pink salt still has minerals in it (84 of them!), and vitalistic energy in it. It hasn’t been killed with chemicals, it isn’t just sodium chloride like most table salts are.
I love salt. Pink Himalayan Salt.

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One thought on “Pass the Salt, Please

  1. Just remember, salt itself has no calories and does not affect weight gain. It does promote water retention and blood pressure, but with exercise, it can be flushed out. Salt just so happens to be high in many high fat, and high calorie foods, but when your goals are based around ‘fat loss’, I say salt it up!

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